Archive for the ‘Four Times’ Category
The Secret of Field/Place Betting
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Pssst … Want to know a secret?
How about enjoying Paris, along with the secret of the area / location?
The field bet, when used alone, is not a good bet. Must be used with other Paris or increased profitability Crapshooter experience. These seven different numbers of field (2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12) a total of only 16 times can be, while the remaining 20 to other numbers. When a pair of rolls 5, 6, 7 or 8, is lost. So if you put a bet on the field, you can earn 16 times and lose 20 times (in 36 theoretical rolls). The field is profitable only 1:1 - that is, if you bet $ 5 and win $ 5 For example, if you bet $ 5 on the floor and 4 rolls, you win $ 5 (01:01) instead of $ 9 (at 9:5) You win if you have set the 4.
Want to know the secrets that professionals use to make money given outside the area / city of Paris?
The seven numbers on the floor, a total of 16 his time. 6 and 8 times, four 5-fold and 7, the rolling six times. So if you are 5, 6 and 8 in addition to the field bet, you win 30 times (16 + 10 + 4) and losing only 7, which runs six times.
You can put $ 25 on 5, $ 30 at 6 and 8, and $ 20 on the ground. When the roller 5, 6 or 8, you win $ 35 and lose $ 20, which gives you a profit of $ 15. When the roll is 2 or 12, you win $ 40 (payment in the range of 2 and 12 double rooms). And when the roller 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11, you win $ 20.
The trick to this is, of course, do not leave everything ready for you to stumble through 7. You must wait 7 to come before this bet, you leave all your Paris for a single function, and then take the whole. Then for another come-out waiting to 7 before posting again.
For small funds, try the 5 for $ 5, 6 and 8 for $ 6 and $ 2 in the ground. Wait for a pitch out 7 first, and let your Paris for a single function. You earn $ 2 in 3, 4, 9, 10 and 11, $ 5 ($ 7 - $ 2) at 5, 6 or 8, and $ 4 to 2 or 12
The next time you bet on the inside, trying to Paris, on the ground - but only for a paper!
Pssst … Now you know the secrets of country / place in Paris!
The Crapshooter © 2005 by Larry Edell