Archive for the ‘Lottery’ Category
Lotto System: Interview With The Creator Of Lotto System That ROCKS The Market!
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Lottery System: How can you win the lotto easily and automatically
In this article we will “a personal interview with the creator of the integrity of the lottery, Ken Silver.” Discuss
Q: Hi Ken, thanks for your participation in this interview. Before talking with us about your lottery system, tell us a little about your background.
Ken: Actually, it started with the lottery system. I developed first honest lottery system of the 90′s and has sold very well through direct mail. After several years of success with it, I wrote a “how-to” manual about my experience and how others can do - which also sold well. In fact, you can buy today. Then I went to sell over the Internet in the 90s, and sales increased massively. I wrote another, “eBook Secrets” about writing How-To ebooks, and together my manuals have around 200,000 copies from myself and other companies who bought the limited number of rights sold as Ken Evoy (Make Your Site Sell) and Allan says (Internet Warriors).
Q: Tell us how you developed the special lottery system.
Ken: Well, for some years in the 90′s, I was looking for ways to exploit the lottery for me, and I studied a lot of material. It was an interesting time. You will not believe the weird, off the wall theories out there. I have read one book, several thousand people could ‘will’ the numbers they wanted through mass ESP (extrasensory perception) of claims.
Q: really weird solutions. As you have your own system then?
Ken: Through a lot of hard thought and lateral thinking. It helped that my late father was a brilliant optical engineer, and some of their math skills of analysis could have infected me! When I found the “eureka” solution that seems to work, I spent a couple of years of research and verification. Although it was computers, which could have been accelerated, the research process as a whole, the system does not really honest lottery in the number of patterns to work or calculated. Therefore, it is done by hand. We take some time.
Q: Why is your system different, that does not use a computer?
Ken: I think that despite the speed of light and computational capabilities of modern systems even back then, nobody had an opportunity, a win for the past comes to predicting found. This was the breakthrough for me. I simply said no one can predict actual winning numbers through analyzing and extrapolating past results. And when I realized it was my own system solution much more valuable as a result. So, although it took a while to understand, I suddenly had the “missing link” that is to win the lottery.
Q: When you say that no one can predict a win, how your system, then?
Ken: The system works mainly by eliminating millions of combinations of numbers that will not win. For example, you’ll never see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 draw in a winning combination … which is pretty unlikely. And there are countless other losing combinations. My honest lottery system identifies these bad boys, giving preference combinations can be won. Easy - if you know how it goes!
P. How honest difference lottery systems out there, like shooting?
Ken: Wheeling just gives a variety of combinations of numbers. There is no difference between the number of combinations of good and evil, most of the time so it’s losing money on the many poor number selections. Earn an honest lottery system, each line has the best combination of number, which increases the possibilities. Therefore, different from almost all other systems is studied. (And if you find a system like the lottery system works honestly, you can bet your bottom dollar that has been adapted by me!)
Q: Well, that sounds good. But someone has gained with the system?
Ken: Yes, of course. The youngest was an Australian couple who won over AU $ 280,000.00 using it. Many people have covered their costs, and so won small amounts of $ 50,000.00. A great advantage of my system is that you will win moderate amounts, pending the great victory to come - as eventually it will.
Q: Is waiting part of your system? Why can not we get the grand prize from the beginning?
Ken: What not many people know is that if a system like mine can predict a win (and that’s why I call it “Honest Lotto” because I know that the only system that this circumstance is: AM) is the best thing following the “tail” for his return successfully. So what are you doing here still earn while you wait for the general public. Honest Lotto System puts you in accordance with the right mouse button on the top of the queue. If the right combination of numbers to win the strike - you have to earn the right numbers. Best of my system is that you do not have to wait several thousand years - designed as a high school teacher for other systems. It might take only a few games, until the right combination is beaten.
Q: So you might have to be patient? It is hard to do!
Ken: Many people do not have the patience to continue, and even when the call goes against them, but the real winners will persist. There is a story I read in a book about the first British Camelot lottery. Two couples on a double glazed window, took over a thousand pounds a week (which is about U.S. $ 1400) for the game that almost broke into the top of three months were to play, but - luckily for them, then - they won several million pounds! This is an extreme example of how persistence pays off. Imagine how much faster he won with my lottery system to be honest!
Q: I wanted to ask this question, Ken. Is there another way we can win the lotto quicker with your system?
Ken: Absolutely. Simply increasing the number of tickets you play. For example, if I can play in my country, I can buy 120 lines. My chance of winning is much less - not very good at all, in fact - if I could not get two lines of a game
Q: You say you have to spend a fortune each week then?
Ken: Of course not. Each row in the lottery honest system gives a better opportunity than any other system I know. However, the more lines you have in each game, the more are your chances. So if you can not afford many lines each week, you should probably wait a month and then play what you wanted! Each passing week. But the emphasis of each playing a lottery game at all - make sure this money you can afford to lose. Because it could take weeks before you return, or a great victory.
Q: What would you say to those people who think that the lottery is bad karma to say?
Ken: I have not heard the word karma for a while! Few people remember that over 50% of most of the public benefits of lottery game back to the community to help good causes. If you ever think you are not helping your neighbor, think again. The community benefits from their contribution.
Q: From your website and what you say here, I do not know how someone is trying to sell your sound system. It covers the downside of playing too.
Ken: I am a very ethical person - my wife is a pastor, so it keeps me in line too So it’s really important to me that people get the right balance of information in order to play right. That’s why the name of my system as an “honest”, just because I got up all the negative aspects as well.
Q: Is that why you use the word “honest” a lot on your website?
Ken: Absolutely. Most systems out there are very optimistic that win, but are mostly on guesswork and error in the calculation of mathematical basis. I think I was the first honest representation of what you can do and what not to do with a system.
Q: Thanks for your time here. Is there a final word mean?
Ken: Yes, I would say to all future owners, honest lottery system … take a good look at my system. Do not spend your last penny to play. And above all, to keep - even when your wins are small or take a while to happen. You will win!
Q: Thank you! Readers of the website of Ken Ehrlich lottery system can be found here:
That’s it.
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5 Top Tips To Win More With Any Lottery

Rio Suites and Casino. Las Vegas. Nevada, USA
Here are five tips to keep in mind the next time you have finished your lottery ticket. They online casino will not increase your chances of winning - because only you can make multiple entries.
But can significantly increase the amount you win if your numbers May.
From five lottery are some tips on how to prevent many others make their numbers. If you choose lottery numbers the same way that most people, so when you hit the jackpot, that prize with everybody else who chose to share the same numbers.
This can be a multi-million prize pot to turn just one of thousands! Too often - so please do not let it happen to you.
Here onlinecasinocentral are some quick tips to make sure that your lottery jackpot life changing sum you are looking for is:
[1] Do not pick numbers that have already won, not based on any newly. Many players believe that the number of wins somehow lucky and therefore more are expected. Of course, this is not true, internet casinos but many people.
[2] Do not select the numbers in an arithmetic sequences, such as 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 or 01, 11, 21, 31, 41, 49 is based. The size of the sequences of numbers - you will be surprised how many people choose this route every week, be enthusiastic.
[3] Do not pick a number for a “tip” of the service. Think before use, how many other people have the same numbers!
[4] Do not pick numbers purely according to family birthdays. Many lottery players choose the days of the anniversary of the family members in choosing lottery numbers. But there is more than 31 days in a month - which means that many people choose their numbers in that range.
[5] Do not make a pattern on the ticket. Straight or diagonal lines in each direction, star-shaped boxes, zig-zag, etc. You might think, who else? The answer is among dozens of people to tens of thousands of people!
The easiest, fastest way to get the best lottery numbers is to take completely random. So pieces of paper in a drag bag. Not guaranteed, is not always a “bad” set of numbers, but at least there is good chance you will not forget your lottery millions with a hundred other ‘lucky’ winners.
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