Archive for the ‘Holdem’ Category
Las Vegas Dining and Drinks as Cheap as it Gets
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Las Vegas, my favorite destination does not have to cost a fortune. I am a donor, along with my money … Well, I admit I’m fast! Over the years, I found some deals in Las Vegas. Let’s start with my favorite food.
The cheapest food is in downtown Las Vegas. It usually starts with a shrimp cocktail $ 0.99 at the center of Golden Gate Casino. This was a favorite for years and was recently featured on the Travel Channel. The casino suffered a loss on it, granted they are all back at the tables!
The next step in our menu is the steak and lobster for dinner or lunch or breakfast, depending on whether asleep or not. The best deal right now is $ 7.77 at the Plaza. I also gave the Kity is estimated at El Cortez on the road. It tastes a little further, and will cost a whopping $ 9.99 24.
Another option is fine dining downtown, but on the tape. San Remo front of the MGM on Tropicana has great rib dinner. You will receive a $ 5.99 rib main dinner baked potato, salad and bread. The rib cut is not huge, but it is a bargain at $ 6!
Back downtown for breakfast. Dinner at the Club of Las Vegas upper deck has a breakfast steak and eggs with fried potatoes and toast for $ 2.99. And it’s really good.
Buffet Time … There are some great buffets in Las Vegas, but great. The best in my opinion, the Spice Market Buffet, but a load of 20 to 30 dollars. They were on a tight budget, try the buffet at the Gold Coast $ 6.99, a large numériquea and excellent food.
Well, you have to drink to drink in Las Vegas! My method is that it will never pay for a drink. If you are playing a game of chance, are free. How to play not to get a free drink, it is not free if you pay hundreds of dollars on the table. If you are playing, and then take away anyway. A good way to get free drinks, playing the sports. You can sit sown with a program and make a bet or two, or none! and you get your drinks there. Remember to take over the waitress and she will take care of you.
Enjoy your next trip to Las Vegas ….
Playing Ace-King in Texas Holdem
Everyone who plays Texas Holdem knows that Ace-King is one of the best starting hands. But it is just that, a starting hand. Only two cards of a 7 card equation. In most situations, you want to go shooting with AK in their hole cards. (The only exception would be in front of a large increase from the first position, time.) If the flop comes, you have to think out and think before you just take your overcards are best.
Like many other situations in Texas Hold’em skills, your opponents will help your situation if you have AK and flop like 9-8-2. Since you bet preflop and was called as long as your opponent has good cards and the flop is so bad that you missed lost. Your support is usually correct, but it could be a pocket pair and be a leader in the hand, or worse pocket 9s, 8, or 2s. Also remember that many bad players do not know good cards when he met with them and could have called with an ax and Associate Attorney.
If your opponent checks, you can check and see a free card or bet and try to win the pot immediately. If you bet, you can upgrade to see if they are real or wrinkles. What we want to avoid, challenge your opponent bet to see what the turn. If another business card and an ace or a king, he will know more information than they had after the flop. Let’s say the turn brings a 4 and your opponent bets again, what do you do? To place a bet on the flop had to think about it, your hand is best to call, then you probably think it still is. It is called a bet on the turn and another river to discover that his opponent was 8.10 and the second pair was after the flop. At that time he is on you to win a raise after the flop the pot immediately. Instead, I called and lost three more in Paris, hoping for a miracle card or an ace did his capture. If you raised on the flop and he called, or re-raise would cost only 2 Paris to learn more about the strength of your opponent’s hand.
AK is a beautiful thing to see their hole cards. Just make sure you play wisely and can give you good luck at the poker table.
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