Archive for the ‘Childrens Stories’ Category
Virtual Wrapping Paper and E-Gifts- Is There Really An Online Santa?
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The Internet proved to be surprisingly distribution line for words, information, music, photos and more generally all that can be turned into little 1s and 0s. As we approach the end of the question, is “The Internet can offer my Christmas presents?” Now, thanks to a remarkable innovation in [] the answer is yes, it really is a line of Santa Claus.
Kite Capers, the former is U Star Games range of interactive books, personalized PC Story now available as a gift that can be delivered over the Internet.
The brains behind U Star Games have discovered is that although the final value of their product comes from the experience of end users have when they play the game, granting the gift of experiencing a wide range of value in itself.
So how do you replicate the experience of opening the letter you chose carefully, thoughtfully reading the message, include unpacking packing paper in bright colors and the joy of digging down today? Just exactly the same experience with an online experience lively and interactive.
The buyer has the option of 3D e-cards, which can be customized to write your own message inside. Unlike other e-cards, which appear both in the real world maps, with front panel and two internal disk drives as. Unlike the real-word cards, but these interactive maps and even contain small simple games for children to play.
The buyer has the choice of virtual ribbon and wrapping paper, gift wrap with a 3-D. After work, simply because of their gift box and card, the user simply fill in the details below to personalize mail contains a short message and is on track.
The child will receive an e-mail, sent from the email address of the sender, with a gift-Link. Once the child clicks on a special place in the made with your card and gift box.
After opening and reading the card, the child will be offered the option to “open” your e-gift. As a result, harp, scraping the film from sliding gracefully out of the box, the cover to swing back and swells of the box. The flows out of the box is then graphical representation of the 3D Kite Capers CD-ROM package.
The child is asked if you download it, if they do, the package is downloaded to the hard disk quickly and leave.
The process seems very fun gift giving for the child of chance and is a good option for those with young parents, not to visit on their birthdays or Christmas.
And much less clean up the mess the rest of us.