Archive for October, 2012

The Future of Video Games

Dice and coins

I was recently thinking about video games to go in the future. I hope that the gaming industry to work the day after he finished college and I wondered a lot about it. What I see in the future? Well, I can not have too many answers right now, but I found some ideas that I can think that the “game” in the not too distant future.

First, forget the virtual reality as we know it. They tried to virtual reality goggles and made many people sick to do so. It was probably never return to work very well in its current form. They are always there and you can always buy, but it seems it’s not really take off. It is likely that most people totally immersed and involved in a new form of gambling, threatening contact with the outside world and people do not lose you go to any like it. Implants neural science fiction are both far and probably will not be accepted by a majority of the population in general, without a marketing authorization and happiness seriously. For my part I intend to go through brain surgery, just turn a computer into my head. In fact, I do not want anyone to be able to connect in my brain.

Technique that came to my attention by an overzealous moderator at the local “Science and Technology” (a kind of science museum of science fun for children and young adults judged as your server) is presented is “augmented reality “. Augmented reality is essentially the superposition of virtual elements in the real world, such as a pair of clear lenses that some elements in the top, which can be seen as real. I agree with the moderator, in fact, could have great potential. Remember to do all socially useful applications, such as workers in a position of underground pipes before digging, to think in terms of games. This technology could be the player the opportunity to access the search as complete idiots shooting at things that do not actually exist, and no one else can see, like in the movie “They Live run!” The advantage here is that it’s fun to be done. A group of University of South Australia created the “ARQuake” project [], merging classic shooter Quake with this Augmented Reality technology . Again, this technology can not be popular, but it would be fun to play.

The technology has to deal with the gaming industry for a long time with new games always run to stay one step ahead of the competition. It began way back to the beginnings of technology and continues to this day. 2D-3D and 3D graphics, more is more and more. The graphics are losing the ability to impress as they did before. The step between Quake 2 and 3 was amazing, but DOOM 3 while it is visually very impressive, not used by leaps and bounds ahead of its competitors in the same way as the new games to be. 2D graphics is a similar problem, reached a point where you can not do much more with graphics technology. This is what makes images of the struggle for technological advancement in the art ever. It is my hope that we move away from technology demonstrations and start to play and great entertainment. Games like Zelda: The Wind Waker or The Sims, trying to show greater depth of character, simplifying the game enough to portray the emotions are expected to become more common (and more fun … but that’s just by a person …). Technology plays a role in the transport of emotion and history, but it is very difficult to concentrate on everything at once. As the technology is simpler and less important when the parties to increase the games, hoping to see a lasting impression.

A few, unfortunately, is the rise of “casual gamers”, released probably lead to the simplest games. Although I personally love to see the depth of the story and characters, a large number of players there who want to play for 20 minutes, have some fun, then do it again. These players are generally less interested in the technology of the largest and most interested in a “fast food” entertainment that satisfies the moment, despite the lack of quality or effect. Hopefully, the two types of games are able to coexist peacefully, but recently we have seen that some developers are reducing some of the planned depth of a track, the more casual player can reflect.

As technology pushes forward the boundaries between systems are broken down slowly. We saw the last Bleemcast operation makes PlayStation games allows the Dreamcast and the PC is capable of almost anything given the right to run the emulation software. The consoles are in a position where other consoles and news announce that the promise to emulate the ability to play PC games. The Xbox 2 is reported that a planning model that runs on a PC and the ability of PC software and software for the Xbox has. Mac software can emulate Windows, and vice versa. We will probably start to see fewer differences between consoles and PC, as the price of technology continues to fall more and more powerful consoles can compete with more expensive equipment. Ideally, we will see a single platform are important, so everything can be done without purchasing a copious number of different machines, but have the disadvantage that they can find, has a monopoly on a particular company.

Falling prices of technology and increased power and more powerful portable devices to run against. Real games and not just simple toys are now on the market of portable devices. The advent of PDAs and mobile phones with the ability to play games begin raising awareness of portable gaming devices and new competitors to get their hands on the area that was once dominated by Nintendo’s GameBoy, mainly preserved. There is a new product, gp32, which can run many different emulators and game system for many (including some PC games).

I can not say with certainty what will happen, but these are just some ideas I’ve had recently. Hopefully the game industry will continue to strive to new heights with new games stories and interesting characters and ideas. I have curiosity to see what happens in the coming years.

Insider Tips For Finding A Great Online Poker Room

New York New York And Tropicana Hotel Las Vegas

Although we seem to be the same and all sell essentially the same game, all online poker rooms are not the same! The differences can go far beyond that, the appearance of the software. After playing in different rooms, you will start seeing signs of a quality room as the number of “street” style.

Here are some things to consider before you shell out your money.

Number of players

It just does not care how the software or how many types of game available. When you sit alone and watch the virtual walls … What is poker? The major poker rooms, many real money players — Play!


Do not be a great advantage or great selection of games, the only criteria used when choosing a poker room. Make sure you understand how the money that your money and how quickly it will be paid. Remember what your funds if you do not have access?

Customer service

Before you buy, know the capabilities of customer service. Is there a toll free number? Is there any online chat (my personal favorite)? Or send your only option? Make sure you can contact a representative, if needed. Here’s a tip: Before purchasing, please contact support and ask some questions to see how they respond and trained personnel. The poker rooms are large we know how important customer service and ensure that their representatives are well trained!

Bonds / comps

Free Money for registration is always nice! But that’s not really important. Remember, always play through requirements and more “free money”, you need to play before you can collect.

Bono is more important, then sign up is available compositions. Poker can be a very exciting game where you have a very good chance of winning to be regular. Once you have a poker room you like, chances are you are going to play there often. A good accounting software can add directly to your bottom line!


I’m with all the poker room “experience” in this category. Since first visiting the site, by downloading and registering, you make a deposit, the election of officers and of course, the actual gameplay. The easiest is to do all this, the better. A clean, simple and intuitive, easy to install the software are important factors that should not be overlooked.

And finally …

I showed him what I think are the most important factors in any poker room. Of course, you should consider your own factors as well …

For example:

* Do you like tournaments often?

* What are the limits of the table: Are you comfortable?

* Are you interested in multi-table game of interest?

An hour or two of research before making your first deposit can go a long way to improve your online gaming experience.

Roulette System: Why Most People FAIL at Online Roulette System!

carlo, traditional, monte, gambling

This article demonstrates a new and unconventional, the latest breakthrough in roulette system.

The creator is a genius. Now you can play as a professional roulette and $ 326,200 per year.

There are already other systems that promise the world, but nothing to do with their systems, what is said disappointed. So how do you know for sure if the system is booting is different?

Well, the truth is you never know for sure if you use my system for yourself. But the best way to know before you buy everything in detail read my website and download some chapters of the eBook.

Why not make my system, while others lose?

Most systems lose mainly because they forget what really is the wheel - a small ball and a wheel loss usually combined systems in Paris and models that are not used to make a winning combination can be granted.

For example, a common pattern that many systems are based on the law of a third party. This law states that will be repeated after 37 rounds, 1/3 of the drawings. But that’s just statistics - Of course, some figures may be more! But it still does not tell us the numbers that are made with sufficient precision to increase only slightly in their favor. And if you can not beat the house edge, which is certainly going to lose in the long run. This is the classic way to predict the outcome.

Forget the odds and roulette statistics for the time and I only like a roulette wheel and a ball. What do you think is the best way to determine where the ball will land? … Physics! It is the study of our universe, including how a ball behaves and interacts in Roulette. Is it possible to determine that a better approach, where the ball will end up thinking?

If you want to win, FAST Roulette System is the only way you will have to determine where to bet. This includes consideration of any wheel speed, the rooms and even finance. This is what my system.

It’s as if my system is complicated? … It is not! Let me explain:

My system is a simplification of the lost known mathematics. There are many physical factors of the ball and the wheel of the land where the ball is determined - which should be obvious to everyone. And over time, these patterns are repeated physical factors … Finally, the wheel, the ball and the grooves do not change with time! My system allows easy identification of trends. Once the patterns are found, ask small graphical images that show exactly where you bet. It is not necessary to know something about the physics of FAST Roulette system itself - just follow simple procedures that are easy to master for the day. Determine where to bet, it takes a few seconds.

The hardest part is already done for you. I have to find all the main job of the variables that affect the case of the ball, and the resulting models. All you have to do is follow the simple rules of the system, and bet on the bet when the cards say. The system predicts where the ball landed with sufficient precision to actually beat the house edge so you can play all you want, and eventually you will enjoy below. Its revenues are used for wheel speed and the amount of the bank, strip limited.

For more information about my system, please visit my website. I recommend you try it.

Until then, my friend. I wish him my best.

Publication Instructions: This article may be freely distributed as long as copyright, author information, denial, and an active link (where possible) are included.

Disclaimer: Statements and opinions expressed in articles, comments and other materials herein are the authors. Despite great care in compiling this information and make all efforts up to date and accurate information we can not guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur. The author assumes no liability for any claim, loss, damage or inconvenience caused from the information in these pages or any information on this site.

Online Poker

Dice and football toys

Are you a poker player? Unable to get the boys together, but I play anyway? Try online poker. You can play directly from the comfort of your home on your computer. In fact, you can find great online poker sites in minutes.

This new fad is fast to a request made many people turn to. Why? It is comfortable and safe. Yes, that’s for sure. You can do a lot of money or a few. You can play with many people or only a little. You can play games or interactively from your home. Online poker is one of the many online games that you can find both, but is one of the most popular.

Online poker can be found on the Internet. Here are a few great sites to start. A website is: and the other is Both sides of the online games you find online poker. See how to play or if you are an experienced player can play immediately. You can even win big your first time! Online poker is all about opinions and experience. Anyone can win. Online poker is safe. The sites are insured and have some of the best security for the transfer of money out there.

Online poker is one of online gaming many on the Internet. It is one of many ways to enjoy free time is spend some money, make friends and of course making money! In fact, you can increase your chances of downloading the free ebook available: entitled “Secrets of the online casinos: How you can even the odds to beat the casinos” Now! not worth seeing on the website itself? Enjoy your poker game online!

Solitaire RULES Half Life DROOLS

Strong Cards

It is a popularity contest.

Solitaire is hip, cool, and as popular as Half Life 2 do not think my truth? Well, the numbers do not lie. Search for two of the best tools for monitoring research on the web (Wordtracker and Overture) more people to play solitaire then Half Life 2. Almost twice. Wordtracker says that all 5,031 people a day looking for Solitaire, while only sought Overture 3610 Half Life 2 Solitaire said 3095 was looking only 1180 of Half Life 2 And these days, Half Life 2 is at its peak. He is using his 15 minutes of fame. Within 6 months, more than all the excitement has worn Lifes decrease is half the number. After a period of 6 months, Solitaire is as popular as ever. It’s a classic, timeless. It’s retro, old school, and bleeding-edge, while at the same time.

Save your money.

You have to read the fine print people. Return this nice box shrink more Half Life 2, and take a look at the fine print. You know, you understand that with all the technical discussion, only 14 years old in the family. Do not bother trying to read, I will translate for you. He said: “Not only paid 59.95 for this dazzling box in his hands will have to pay more, but offers $ 150 - $ 200 (plus installation) for the machine to update obsolete pathetic you have to go home.” Yes, of course. Is there a big “L” stamped on your forehead? I’m willing to bet that if you can read this, your PC all the juice it needs to function version has most of the worst Solitaire ever created.

You can never get bored.

If you expand on your experience, head to Solitaire on your favorite search engine, the loner, and press Enter. Google finds over 6.8 million pages. Choose one, and have a blast. I’m sure you can one that is colder than the one included with the Windows computer to find. Now, how many versions of Half Life 2, you have to choose? Umm I think the title suggests, there are two. Not much there.

Do not train with a circus contortionist.

You really need to lose fingers and relax all the keyboard commands crazy combinations and permutations that need to control Half Life 2. The Half Life original had 49 different combinations of control keyboard / mouse for the game you suspect that version 2 has even more to play. The last time I checked, the version of Solitaire installed with Windows, you only need two. Article. . . and. . . click OK. Even if this article (and obviously you are) read, I think you have all the necessary training to Solitaire. I’ve never seen him play a card game before? OK, so your training!

Slingo, Platypus, Breakout, Tetris, Zuma, Magic Vines, etc, etc, etc.

If Solitaire is not giving all its states, and then see a few. Do not settle for the latest fashion of today’s headlines. There are thousands of fun, easy to learn game gems out there waiting to be discovered by someone like you. They never get old, they are always fun. In addition, you can now download and play in minutes. They are great games, they have to be closed. So what are you waiting for, stop reading, we will visit and play the game you play!

The Secret of the Fours and Tens

juniors, ursus, animal, gambling

Pssst …! Want to know a secret?

What’s the secret kilns and dozens?

The four and ten rewards paid 9:5, so if you bet $ 5 on two numbers, you win $ 9, if successful. Of course, if you bought the same numbers that you have a little more, but must win at least one bet of $ 25 as well ($ 50 total) at this cost.

Want to know the secrets that craps pros use to enjoy Paris $ 5 on all fours and tens of thousands?


What will be for three goals in four or ten of us to earn your money. If the shooter is good, it is likely that this game, and that’s what you want.

First, you put $ 5 in both the four and ten. Now, say, four hits and you win $ 9 Take both numbers down, and you have $ 19 in hand ($ 14 from 4 and $ 5 for 10). Add money to him and place the four again for $ 20. If you win, you receive $ 36 plus $ 20. Polish the sum of 6 and a third place four times to $ 50. This third hit to win $ 90, and take all of this. He turned to the initial investment of $ 5, $ 90 in only three hits.

Of course, if you blow into the top ten in the number of Paris instead of four. And you just have to play if the shooter is qualified to be bet on - you bet big on themselves and see how it will be a good shot? If not, do not bet on it - find another table or wait for the next shooter.

In samples of 36 rolls, you should see three fours and three tens, a total of 6 hits, as many as 7, so choose a good shot is very important. Once done, this game will be in three stages, more often than you think to live and work. This is a great way to make only $ 5 to $ 90 a short time.

Try that next time you see a qualified shooter!

Pssst …! Now you know the secrets of the kilns and dozens!

© 2005 by Larry Edell

Ingredients For A Great Game

Woman gambling

There are millions of computer games out there on the market, how to make your game best selling? What features should be included? I glanced at the best sellers and trying to determine what makes a great game.

Setting the player development

The player wants to be the point in the game, he or she wants to feel that control the outcome of the game. It should be easy, or should not. The more difficult the game, the better the player feels when he finished the match and won.

For example, Sid Meier’s Civilization is the player set to the point and can affect the outcome of the game. You know it’s her, if she wins or loses. This concept is used in almost all best sellers, Doom, Civilization, The Sims, Sim City, Warcraft, Command & Conquer, seen to name a few.

This may include in games that are highly integrated in a story. For example, in many adventure games by Lucas Arts the concept of what the player can control their destiny is used frequently. Developer, you must look out for the game too much on what the computer does or other factors.


Do not underestimate the ease with which a player usually does not like to read hundreds of pages to a set of Sure advanced features could play are included, but the player should always be seen within 10 minutes the game is and how it is played. If the player not the game, probably will become a dust collector in the basement.

Here to avoid the creation of menus and interface in the game with strange controls, such as trigger F. If a third person shooter that was the same set of controls that the other games in the industry to use to do this.

The menu is easy to understand, I have examined a large number of games were the menus are made up of symbols, not text. This is not recommended, because the interpretation of a symbol is highly subjective, try to mix symbols with text.


Thanks to an action, does not necessarily mean violence. However, it must be something going on in the game, and when it happened, should notice that the real player. For example, killing an enemy in a 3rd person shooter should generate blood, building a police station in Sim City should reduce crime, kill the enemy last seen in Warcraft should generate victory, ok, I think you get the picture. Perhaps this sounds simple, and it is, but some developers still do not believe in these categories.


Never underestimate a game story, when a gaming magazine to read today that there are a lot of attention to graphics. The graphics are important, but they mean nothing if the story sucks. Of course, this is not the case when a game is innovative. To not have a well developed story, but it was revolutionary, because people had never seen anything like this before.

But overall, the story is important, sometimes a player wants to feel part of something big.

However, some examples are beginning to play with almost any paper. However, do not make the mistake of writing the story too complicated. A simple story or less the story should work fine as long as the story is good.


Yeah, well, I should mention. Graphics serve a purpose as I see it, play better and all the other factors I mentioned. They play an important role in the sense that they communicate the game to the player. You do not have to be beautiful, but they need to serve a purpose.

A recent example of this Command & Conquer Generals, the graphics are good, have a purpose and enhance the gaming experience, however, was the game in question, that there is another term for several reasons.

There are many games with bad graphics, the always fun to play for example Warcraft 2 or Sid Meiers old classic, Pirates.

What people can relate to

A set of best-sellers should be something that can affect the player in any way. The Sims is a game best-seller now in the world are several factors that people can get in real life. But keep in mind that different people relate to different things.

The fact that a person has just seen a science fiction and think, “I have really wanted to fly a spaceship like this movie,” says the person begins to find a game. There is also a reason for the Warcraft series become very popular, remember the orcs and other characters in the game, people reading Tolkien’s book.

Develop a game about solving equations will probably not be successful because that very few people in context. These are the main factors to create a good game, if these factors are taken into account is likely to play pretty well. Of course, other elements that make a difference is an important marketing being one of them as the stage of the game developed.

Las Vegas Interesting Facts

man covering his face with playing cards

Many had their heyday in the state of Nevada. But these three stages of the crowd, as it gave the name of the game.

Frank Rosenthal

It’s the best sports handicapper in the history of Las Vegas. Formerly known as the “King of Las Vegas”, “guru” or something that is undoubtedly a genius. He opened the first race and sports book at the Stardust Resort & Casino. Every casino in Las Vegas copied his invention afterwards. It allows you to run four casinos at a time, during the 1970′s and early 1980: Stardust, Fremont, Hacienda and Marina.

Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal inspired one of the main characters in “Casino” book and movie (directed by Robert De Niro), although the story does not tell the whole truth, he said. You can find Frank at his own website

Steve Wynn, in part, served his apprenticeship with Frank Rosenthal. Finally, “dethroned” him. He is currently chairman of Mirage Resorts, the world’s largest hotel, the MGM Grand included. Part of its success is linked to the name of E. Parry Thomas, known as the only banker in the city is giving at this time, the money to build a casino. Rosenthal is described as “a very clever mind.”

George Wingfield The two “kings” were preceded by George Wingfield, a major figure in the history of Nevada since 1912. Previously, it was characterized as “the owner and operator of Nevada” are two companies brought him fame: … Mining and money, he moved to Nevada in the early 20th century, as an active politician, he fought to legalize gambling and divorce. Gambling was legalized in Nevada in 1931 again. In the same year the famous divorce law passed six weeks. Ironically, nowadays, 230 marriage licenses are issued every day in Las Vegas.

American Gold Mine in South Africa, is the state of Nevada, the largest gold producer in the world. Golden Nugget Hotel displays the world’s largest gold nugget ever found, weighing 61 pounds.

The owner of the mine of the most famous in the history of Nevada was George Wingfield. He also owned every bank in the state. Goldfield Consolidated Mines Company, which he and Senator (then) George S. Nixon is both billionaires.

The “gold mine” of the state of Nevada is the other game and gaming activities were legalized in 1931. In 2003, gross gaming revenues in Las Vegas º $ 7,673,489,000

Closed this “gold mine” has its doors once in history, 25 November 1963, the national mourning for the assassinated president George Kennedy history is not repeated in the first. After 11 days of September. In fact, Americans asked in surveys on this topic, see Las Vegas as a place to escape the tension.

How to Have the Most Fun Playing Holdem Poker at Home

Men and women playing blackjack

Hold’em takes the country by storm as one of the funniest shows. This is not a fad, but a realization of a great way to have fun.

Just as there are a lot of instructional information on the Internet, he would ask all the strategies and tips for playing your best, to focus on ways to play the more fun holdem get home. Our view is that Holdem is fun to play. It goes as a means of income, but we’re playing for entertainment. The competitive aspects of friendly poker are no different than they are in their weekend of golf or a tennis match.

This is just simply a good time with friends and family back home. So let’s look at some of the things they can do even more fun.

Create the atmosphere …

The first way is to improve our pleasure to create the right atmosphere. No, we will not build a space that is the World Series of Poker or World Poker Tour will. But without much trouble and expense, we can use our own poker room environment.

Before we begin, I would say the obvious, we recommend getting some poker chips of high quality. I personally prefer moderate clay poker chips. You have to play more fun, add to the game, and you can all chip rifles ordered to see on TV do not work with cheap plastic chips. They are just cool.

Then consider getting a poker table. While the table in the dining room to work, you may have much to add to your game through a real poker table holdem. They come in all price ranges. You get a cheap table, only the beginning of each table to use to set. They look like a real table, but at a fraction of the cost.

But if you really want in your poker, and you can not justify the cost, there are some good poker table, the search for a real piece of furniture. Not only are the best way to play, but can be quite surprising, as the furniture in a living room.

Well, if you have a beautiful table, how about adding a light above tidy? One that adapts to playing cards. All types of decisions Tiffany lamps, the lamps of poker.

If all goes to his room, here are some ideas that really add a special touch.


Popcorn Machine



Pinball Machine


Posters of poker champions or your favorite player

Wall Art of Poker

Neat Internet Accessories

If you dress up your game you want without a lot of money, here are some additional ideas.

How about help with the buttons of poker beginners? You can use a set of keys, the dealer button and a part of the small blind and big. You can help beginners remember, if they are, a priori, and where the game begins.

Shoes for dealing cards and card shufflers are also inexpensive, but functional elements as well. Or how about a trip card game poker world. It will give you the “official” look.

Can also consider a case of chip. Or get the world’s chipset, including a smart aluminum or wooden box. If you have big games, you can buy packages that many chips as needed. How many chips are needed, will be treated in another article, or you can do an Internet search.

So these are just some ideas to help you have the absolute pleasure to play poker with friends. Factor in the fun factor and the amount you are willing to spend, then decide which of those ideas that best fits their plans leisure and entertainment.


This article may be freely distributed, provided that the information provided by the author, copyright, and all active links (if possible) are included. A free copy of a newsletter or a link to the website would be very grateful to this article.

Copyright 2005 Expert infoproducts LLC. All rights reserved.

Are You A PC Gamer And Want The Best Out Of Your Graphics Card?

Flag of UK


In this article you will learn to take full advantage of the graphics card by installing new drivers and Security and Privacy. The guide focuses on Windows XP Professional Edition, but you can use the same guide to modify other Windows operating systems.

Step 1

The first thing you need to know what graphics card you use. Most popular graphics card company ATI and Nvidia. Both companies have an excellent selection of products and excellent service. Once you know what graphics card you use, then the company’s Web site, which can directly download the latest drivers.

Drivers are the software that manages the video card, printer or scanner correctly. With drivers for problems that can arise with modern PC games are updated. I recently had to update my driver to a problem I had with a game that I had recently bought for correction, and this solved my problem.

Well, once the drivers downloaded video card make sure you create a restore point with System Restore. This can be done my click Start-> Programs-> Accessories-> System Tools and System Restore. Then follow the instructions to create a restore point screen. This ensures that if a problem occurs after installing the new driver, you can return to the restore point to see if the problem is that the drivers you have installed.

Once you’ve finished creating the restore point, install the drivers. This can be accessed by double clicking the downloaded file and follow the instructions on the screen. Once you have installed the drivers you need Windows for the changes to take effect on reboot.

If all goes as planned, you should see better performance for games and not have to go back to your restore point. If you have problems, use your restore point to go back and correct problems. If the problem persists, contact the company that made the graphics card.

Step 2

Make sure the latest version of DirectX. This can, by searching the Microsoft Web site and DirectX to do. Once you have downloaded the latest version, you need to create another restore point. One person I know installed the latest version of DirectX and then had problems in the future, and why not create a restore point, they could not solve the problem and who uses his computer to reformat the drive to solve the problem. Once more to create a restore point, go to Start-> Programs-> Accessories-> System Tools and click System Restore.

Once you’ve created the restore point install the latest version of DirectX, double click the file you just downloaded. Follow the instructions and once it is, you have to restart Windows.

Step 3

This step will guide you through settings in Windows XP. The first step is to change the power of Windows to these right-click My Computer and then on to Properties-> Advanced-> Performance-> Settings, and select “Adjust for best performance.”

The next step is to get your articles on the right mouse button on the desktop and select Change properties. On the Themes tab sets the classic Windows theme.

The Future of Submarine Games

dice alphabet

dice alphabet

In the past six months, the demise of sims has been pronounced in abundance. Print magazines and webzines have canceled sim will be informed of the ledge to the left and right Jane’s A-10: Cancelled. Wolf Pack II: Cancelled. Silent Steel II: MIA. M1Tank Pack 3: Cancelled. Fighting Steel Deluxe: Canceled. Attack Squadron Jane MIA. Thunder Over Europe: MIA. The list is long.

We all know this is a downward cycle of sims and we believe there is hope that in a few years to change things and Sims Hot things to be back. Hey, remember that in 1973, when EPA and OPEC throttled the life out of the muscle car scene. I had a 1970 Cobra Torino that had 450 horsepower and ran fourth in the high 13s. In less than three years, all cars in Detroit contamination controlled gas slug stored. They have even started, they were so ugly, little by little! It broke my heart.

But something changed over time. Now you can have a high performance machine that manages and offers amenities such as front / rear AC. My ’99 Riviera has a supercharged V-6 engine, which my old Torino would be proud.

So keep the faith. Things will improve, but nobody knows when. Silent Hunter II and Destroyer Command are signs of life. Harpoon 4 is still in development. There is excitement in the Sonalysts camp.

When there is a new Subsim hit the coast, try to remember that developers and game producers are our friends. They are the kind of games we like, because they like too. Why should work tables thickness of the armor, the physical model of the ship and torpedo trajectory of a niche market? I know some developers and all fans of the genre.

Try to keep your criticism balanced. If you have any problems SIM-spawn or have had with all the invective and animosity usually reserved for someone who would steal your car or your toothbrush? I was a manufacturer that executives often told hard core questions about the negative comments in the forums. The industry sees us as demanding, thankless and impossible to fulfill. It is much easier and more lucrative Hunter, deer and Barbie games and their users rarely flame the game company to a crank crisp.

I work with a CPA accountant who likes computer games and is very good for them. He can play a mean age of empires warrior. I tried to get them interested in Jane’s 688 (I) for multiplayer. He glanced at the heavy physical and waved. It was supposed to play all the material for the competition to learn. The blessing and the curse of a good sim is its complexity. Want to order a fleet of war or of TMA in a class submarine Los Angeles? You must acquire skills and education. And this restricts the popularity of the SIM card. Mass-market games generally do not have the steep learning curve is a SIM card. Although we are so excited about hardcore SIM players in the minutiae of seven different stations and all their controls, casual gamers spend the SIM card in a ratio of 20 to 1 The Sims is really a niche market.

Niche market games have limited budgets. This means that a small number of programmers and artists must concentrate on the essentials. Do not expect everything you see and imagine in a SIM card. You may want a complete equipment Subsim movement and other fun stuff - oh, yes, I’m with you. But as one producer said, “We have no money to design and integrate these features into the product I wish I could too ..”

We find the status of Silent Hunter II soon. Either Mattel Interactive is to sign someone to fill this out or otherwise preserved. I went through the “plan to do that” stage with the ice of the famous Jane Add-On for 688 (I), Akula Studies Crusaders’: Red Hunter, Silent Steel 2, and interoperability between Jane and Fleet Command 688 (I). I’m not here to judge, just to clarify that when the momentum dies, so does the target. For some reason, the champion of the products made from behind the rim in any way to get started. To get a better idea to get the whole process, read the analysis of my friend John Sponauer of life and death of a sim, M1 Tank Platoon 2, from early development as an improvement on the previous in the coming weeks .

Despite my previous experiences with other companies in the sim, I am optimistic that Carl Norman and Rick Martinez, what they say and SSI will continue to raise the banner of the Digital Combat Series while logic Microproses Nova and Jane fall to around how unfortunate tin soldiers. This is not to say SH2 is a fact - that the time will come when you have the cash on hand. We hope that the next Subsim rumor that our best hope for submarine warfare technologies. All we can do is stay positive, supportive, and if this is correct, you can buy four copies when you leave.
