The Secret of Protecting Your Pass Line Bet
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Pssst …! Want to know a secret?
What about the secrets of protecting your pass line bet?
Many dealers will encourage you to protect more coverage of Paris on the number of dice (2, 3 and 12) to your pass line bet. You always hear “any craps” Paris called every time a new shooter coming out.
Do you want to use to learn the secrets that professionals given to Paris to protect your online passwords?
Any Craps bet is the most common coverage and pays 7-1. This means that if you have a bet going on ten dollars for Internet, $ 1 bet on the dice, you win $ 9 ($ 10 - $ 1) if the rollers 7 (or 11), and losing just $ 3 (the pass line $ 10 - $ 7 dice game) instead of $ 10 if the rollers 2, 3 or 12.
Fair enough, but look at the numbers. At the end of the 36 papers, invest that $ 36 ($ 36 x 1) Paris speculative at this. What is 2, 3 or 12 theoretically four times (once for 2 and 12, and twice 3) in 36 rolls. So if you win four times in Paris this game of dice, you win $ 28 ($ 4 x 7), and spent $ 36 ($ 36 x 1) gives $ 8 ($ 36 - $ 28) loss.
You can also bet $ 2 ($ 1 each) Craps and Eleven (C & D). Craps (2, 3 or 12) pay 7-1, while the eleven accused 15-1 If the eleven rolls you win $ 24 ($ 10 + $ 15 pass line once - $ 1 craps). Seven saves you $ 8 ($ 10 pass line - $ 2 C and E). If 2, 3 or 12 years to go, lost $ 4 (+ $ 7 - $ 1 craps pass line eleven $ 10) instead of $ 10.
This time, however, in 36 decisions, which invested U.S. $ 72 ($ 2 x 36) to speculation in Paris. What is 2 and 12 have been shot once each, and three times eleven. Would you do to 7 $ 2 ($ 1 x 7) to 14 $ 3 ($ 2 x 7), $ 7 for 12 ($ 1 x 7), and $ 30 at a time. ($ 2 x 15) This amounts to $ 58 ($ 7 + $ 14 + $ 7 + $ 30), but have already invested 72 million, if you have a $ 14 ($ 72 - $ 58) are lost! Another winner of the house!
Finally, you can bet given a 3-way (on days 2, 3 and 12) for $ 3 to make. This differs from the development given the errors, because the odds are higher - 30 to 1 for 2 and 12, and 15 to 1 for all three. Therefore, if the roll of 2 or 12, you win $ 18 ($ 30 - $ 10 - $ 2) instead of losing $ 10, and when all three reels, you win $ 3 ($ 15 - $ 10 - $ 2) instead of losing $ 10. This commitment also means that the. 7 and 11 (from your Pass Line bet) and 2, 3, and 12 to win (the series 3-way craps) in 36 pitches, but this time you have $ 108 ($ 3 x 36) is reversed. The roll is 2 to 12 once, and 3 twice. 30 to 1, 2 and 12 to pay $ 30 each for a total of $ 60. At 15-1, the three paid $ 30 ($ 2 x 15). You have $ 90 ($ 30 + $ 60), but $ 108 went from a loss of $ 18!
Unfortunately, as you can see, we can not protect a profitable bet craps $ 10 online through this cover with Paris. Some authors have argued that the craps hedge bet profitable, with a pass line bet of $ 25 or more, with a $ 4 bet on the dice. Look at the math. If you bet $ 4 dice and win $ 112, which is $ 4 (BET) x 4 (times 2, 3 or 12 rolls) x 7 (gain). You lose $ 144 ($ 4 x 36), resulting in a loss of $ 32. Therefore, it is not always a good bet. In fact, this is worse than bet the pass line with $ 10 to $ 1 any craps bet!
Now, on the pass line bet is $ 25 to find even with a ceiling of C & E for $ 4. If the eleven rolls you win $ 83 ($ 25 + $ 60 pass line 2 all $ 11). Seven saves you $ 21 ($ 25 pass line - $ 4 C and D). When the roll is 2 or 3, you win $ 1 ($ 28 - $ 25 - $ 2). In 36 pitches, which invested $ 144 ($ 4 x 36). They have two and 1201 at a time and rolled twice, three and eleven each. Would $ 14 in two ($ 2 x 7), 28 $ 3 ($ 2 x 14), $ 14 € 12 (2 x 7) and $ 60 in one ($ 2 x 30). This makes a total of $ 116th So lost $ 28 ($ 144 - $ 116).
Finally, let’s look at U.S. $ 6 3-Way Craps bet with a pass line bet of $ 25. If two or twelve cylinders win $ 31 ($ 60 - $ 25 - $ 4). If the three rolls you win $ 1 ($ 30 - $ 25 - $ 4). 36 rolls in this bet, which invested $ 216 ($ 6 x 36). 30 to 1, 2 and 12 pay $ 60 ($ 30 x 2) for a total of $ 120 ($ 60 + $ 60). Clock in 03.01 to pay the 3 $ 60 ($ 15 x 2 x 2). You have $ 180 ($ 120 + $ 60) did, but spent $ 216 that gives a loss of $ 36!
Craps is a game of mathematics, and as you can see, there is no way to pass line bet in craps can protect Paris with speculative - if your unit is $ 5, $ 10 or $ 25
So - the secret to protecting your Pass Line bet is to save all the money that is normally used for speculative Paris and the money for more “free” to make the odds of Paris!
Pssst …! Now you know the secrets of password protection in Paris online!
(C) 2005 by Larry Edell